In ERIS, virtual content can be inserted directly into an overhead map view and seen across all types of devices. Anything placed on the map is instantly translated to its precise real-world location, viewable in AR.



Building information is overlaid directly on top of real-world coordinates


3D models can be rotated and zoomed using an overhead bird’s eye view

✔️1-to-1 real-time correlation between map view and real world

✔️Multiple users see the same content from their own perspectives

✔️Content is anchored to precise locations and persistent over time


Now, fire safety personnel can go beyond photos and 2-dimension floor plans when conducting pre-incident surveys and inspections. ERIS allows them to capture the detailed features of a property 3-dimensionally, ready to be utilized during an emergency with AR.
Capture the precise location of:

Fire Dept Connections

Critical utility shutoffs

Entrance / exits

Electrical hazards

Fire hydrants

Hazardous materials storage

Fire extinguishers


Data captured with ERIS during pre-incident planning gives the Incident Commander a new level of situational awareness when preparing an action plan during an emergency.
Using ERIS, the IC can:

Visualize floor plans and interior rooms in 3 dimensions

Avoid hazards such as high voltage, overhead loads, and fall risks

Plan optimal points of entry and exit for interior firefighters

Conduct safer and more efficient search and rescue / rapid interventions

Monitor interior conditions via localized sensor data

With ERIS, the Incident Commander has a new tool for accountability: the ability to visually track multiple firefighters simultaneously, even through walls of a structure. Seeing the real-time movements of personnel in relation to 3D building data gives the IC next-generation situational awareness.


The capabilities of ERIS to overlay virtual content and 3D models precisely on the real world make it a valuable tool for firefighter training. With AR, fire and smoke propagation simulations can be carried out in realistic settings, free from the usual constraints of VR headsets.

Advantages Over Physical Training

● Safety

● Cost-Effectiveness

● Repeatability

● Adaptability to student and level

● Controlled Environment

● Customizable Scenarios

● Reduced Environmental Impact

Advantages Over VR Training

● Real Environment view and Interaction

● Ability to navigate

● No need to recreate the real world

● Lower Disorientation and Nausea

● Flexibility in Training Location

● Enhanced Collaboration

● Combination of Physical and Digital

ERIS for Drones

ERIS can be deployed on drones or aircrafts to provide a real-time overhead view combined with overlays. That capability can be used for example in situations where understanding the relative location of personnel and sensitive assets with respect to a developing wildfire is important.